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Matthew "NoPack" Willison
City: Nowhere
Begins: May 3, 2009
Direction: Northbound
Daily Summary
Date: Thu, Jul 25th, 2019
Start: Here
End: There
Daily Distance: 10
Trip Distance: 177.8
Journal Stats
Entry Visits: 572
Journal Visits: 8,118
Guestbook Views: 3,092
Guestbook Entrys: 30
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Pacific Crest Trail Map
Life takes us all in many unpredictable directions.
I sit here reminiscing on my time on the trail. Has it really been more than a decade?!?!?!? I think this is exactly why we hike. This is why we are all willing to forsake (no matter how temporary) society's (and our family's) call to fall into line and do what is "expected" of us. Life is precious. We should experience as much as we can while we can. I look back on my time on the PCT with pride and fondness. I made new life-long friends, learned things about myself that can not be put into words, and gained perspective on life in general. Basically (and not to sound cliche) live it to its fullest. Experiences are what we will remember and in some ways be remembered for.
After reluctantly and unfortunately bailing off the trail I attempted to maintain this "credo." Met an amazing girl, got married, had a great job and excelled at what I do, experienced SF life (which has changed the way I view the world as all great experiences should), made mistakes (which is inherent in life), got divorced, and have attempted (at first without any form of success)to continue this difficult path that is called life. Parallels to trekking are painfully obvious.
Here is my cliche conclusion - We all have to hike our own hike! I would not trade my experiences, both good and bad, for the world. I have had a good "hike" thus far. Recently I have re-discovered my love for trekking. It almost feels as though I have been in the back county more than not. And I like that.
Thank you to all whom have supported me in every way these past ten years. Forget (and forgive) those whom have not. Please check out my upcoming journals including, and I am excited beyond belief about this, My oddly pieced together hike of the JMT!
Props to the PCT class of '09 - I'm blessed to have met those you you whom I did.
The Pacific Crest Trail (PCT) is a 2,650-mile national scenic trail that runs from Mexico to Canada through California, Oregon and Washington. The PCT traverses 24 national forests, 37 wilderness areas and 7 national parks. The PCT passes through 6 out of 7 of North Americas ecozones. Learn more: