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Nathan4517 - Pacific Crest Trail Journal - 2013

Entry 39 of 39
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City: Phoenix
State: AZ
Begins: Apr 25, 2013
Direction: Northbound

Daily Summary
Date: Sat, Aug 24th, 2013
Start: Mile 1677 Just outside of Seiad Valley
End: Mile 1953 36 miles from Bend
Trip Distance: 285.0
Entry Lat: 43.949521
Entry Lng: -121.88073

Journal Stats
Entry Visits: 1,811
Journal Visits: 13,744
Guestbook Views: 332
Guestbook Entrys: 12

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Pacific Crest Trail Map

(Click image for full size)

Even the burn areas can offer some beauty

Catching up

So we are now in Oregon and things have been going well. Ashland was a great town and we stayed with an amazing trail angle and relaxed. The views have been scenic at times for sure but it had also been a lot more forest walking which is very exciting for us because it is so different from home. We finally met Larry and Sandra(Roadrunner) on trail, it only took us almost 2000 miles to catch them. We caught up on how the trail has been and it was very exciting to finally see them. I am very excited to see the three sisters, Bend, and Portland in the coming days and for the rumored remoteness Washington has to offer. Almost did 30 miles today with a late start and a very long lunch break but it is late and time for bed.

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Husband And Wife Living The Dream

I have reason, but no sense


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