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Nimbusdodger - Continental Divide Trail Journal - 2012

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Nimbus Dodger
City: Melbourne
State: FL
Country: US
Begins: Apr 24, 2012
Direction: Northbound

Daily Summary
Date: Sun, Apr 15th, 2012
Start: Florida
End: New Meixco

Journal Stats
Entry Visits: 4,650
Journal Visits: 55,892
Guestbook Views: 11,580
Guestbook Entrys: 168

Gear list Journal Plan

Continental Divide Trail Map


I'm on the way to New Mexico, via a couple of stops along the way and if all goes well I plan to start at Crazy Cook on April 24. It's been a lot of planning, gear selection and preparation just to get to this point and I am growing ever more anxious to get started.

I've been asked several times in recent months why it is that I want to hike the CDT. I could go into a long-winded explanation here but to paraphrase Forrest Gump, I'm hiking because I feel like hiking. I can't think of any answer that would strike you as more logical or satisfying.

I plan to unplug as much as I can on this hike so my updates to this journal are likely to be a bit sporadic. I'll try to update at least my location and hopefully a few comments whenever I pass through a town.

Wish me luck... I'll need it.

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Continental Divide Trail - 2012

The Continental Divide Trail is a national scenic trail that runs from Mexico to Canada via New Mexico, Colorado, Wyoming, Idaho and Montana. This unfinished trail can potentially span up to 3,100 miles. Learn more:


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