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Not a Chance
City: Bellingham
State: Washington
Country: United States
Begins: Apr 25, 2014
Direction: Northbound
Daily Summary
Date: Thu, Apr 17th, 2014
Journal Stats
Entry Visits: 6,894
Journal Visits: 18,713
Guestbook Views: 1,440
Guestbook Entrys: 21
New blog
I've gone to the dark side! Since I'll be using my iPhone to blog, this format works better:
As The Trail Turns
Some folks might sa-ay that I'm no good
That I wouldn't settle down if I could
"But when that open ro-oad starts to callin' me
There's somethin' o'er the hill that I gotta see
Sometimes it's har-rd but you gotta understand
When the Lord made me, He made a Ra-amblin' Man." Hank Williams Sr.
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