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Pierre Provost "Jackrabbit" Paul Dally
City: Vancouver
State: WA
Country: USA
Begins: Sep 1, 2013
Direction: Northbound
Daily Summary
Date: Sun, Sep 22nd, 2013
Start: Hart's Pass
End: Hopkins Lake
Daily Distance: 25
Trip Distance: 400.6
Journal Stats
Entry Visits: 1,526
Journal Visits: 7,243
Guestbook Views: 282
Guestbook Entrys: 7
Pacific Crest Trail Map
It rained again off and on all night. Thankfully while we were all hanging around the campfire, it was reasonably dry.
I was the first to be poking around the trail magic campsite and Serpent Slayer heard me and immediately sprung into action. He had the coffee pot all primed and ready to go and started in making pancakes. We all hung out for a while more around the fire then I was just ready. I donated $ 20 to the trail magic cause and hit the road.
Another cloudy misty drizzly day, all day. Just leaving camp and again at the end of the day, it was snowing with a dusting of heavy wet snow on the ground.
At three different times today I ran into sets of four grouse. Each time they were almost tame. The first set right out of camp in the morning, the birds were hustling down the trail in front of me but not in a huge hurry. I could have reached out and tapped the last one with my hiking pole.
The second set watched me all fluffed up as I filled out the trail register at Harts Pass.
I ended up going farther than planned and ended up lower and I think ultimately more comfortable than the high camp. The wind and snow is blowing around up top. It's much nicer at the lake.
This will be the last night on the trail for all these thru hikers I've been hanging with. I hope to walk with them to the monument tomorrow morning. Since we walked longer, the border is only 6 miles away and Manning Park another 8.