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Psmurf - Arizona Trail Journal - 2018

Entry 12 of 12
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Poppa Smurf
City: Green Bay
State: WI
Country: USA
Begins: Jun 8, 2018
Direction: Northbound

Daily Summary
Date: Sun, Jun 3rd, 2018
Start: Tusayan
End: Tusayan
Daily Distance: 6
Trip Distance: 141.0

Journal Stats
Entry Visits: 641
Journal Visits: 1,645
Guestbook Views: 28
Guestbook Entrys: 0

Arizona Trail Map

Complete link pre descent in Grand Canyon -

We are on the trail @ 0510 to close the remaining trail gap between Tusayan and our interrupted point in the Park. This is a bit of Ponderosa Pine and a large bit of an ashpalt walk way to the Park. En route to the start we pass by white tail does who are not fearful of our presence.
I had hopes of attending one of the several great Park presentations, the Geology of the Grand Canyon but I erred on the start time. So, I picked up - now get this - dinner reservations for two at the Phantom Ranch tomorrow night for Tabasco and myself. Then I attend a lecture entitled "History of the Grand Canyon". Interesting and sprinkled with short anecdotes about some of the areas earlier settlers.
Back to Hotel to prepare for an early start to Phantom Ranch tomorrow morning.

Entry 12 of 12
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AZT 2018

Poppa Smurf


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