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Pwhyte - Pacific Crest Trail Journal - 2011

Entry 82 of 82
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Nice & Steady
City: Cool
State: CA
Country: US
Begins: May 7, 2011
Direction: Northbound

Daily Summary
Date: Fri, Nov 18th, 2011
Trip Distance: 2.0

Journal Stats
Entry Visits: 2,770
Journal Visits: 30,265
Guestbook Views: 1,663
Guestbook Entrys: 65

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Pacific Crest Trail Map


This will be my last entry for the 2011 PCT season. I completed 2,260 miles this year and it was all that I expected and more. I made a decision to skip the high sierra this year and questioned that decision many times. At my age and with my knee the price would have been too great. I needed to sacrifice the High Sierra in order to hike the rest of the trail. The other thing that made the decision easier is that I live in the Sierras and have spent the last 25+ years hiking most every trail in the range, many of the trails several times. So, I have hiked the entire PCT as of now! Sandy was able to hike 1,400+ miles and plans to return next year to finish the trail.

The trail itself was amazing. It was a beautiful way to see the best that California/Oregon/Washington has to offer. I spoke to so many hikers that were repeat hikers and at the time I couldn't understand why they would want to keep hiking it over and over. Now I understand. The PCT is a magnet, it draws you in and won't let you go. I honestly would like to start every year.

So many people made this journey possible for me that I don't know where to start. A special thank you to Rich & Dee, John & Lisa, Bruce & Carol, Scott, Suzy, Wayne & Chris, Kathy, George and Shelley, and Joan & John. The trail angels I have never met that haul in water, provide trail magic, clear the trail, provide water reports, books, journals, and maps. The people in the trail towns that welcomed me, gave me rides, even some discounts on food and lodging.

The hikers were all so friendly and we all became one huge family during the hiking season and hopefully beyond. Being one of the oldest on the trail and hiking with so many young people that could be my grandkids was a great experience. These young people are amazing. Their focus and determination to hike whether it be to Canada or as far as they could was most gratifying. These young people truly helped restore my faith in our future. I wish them all the best. The thru hikers that hiked the entire trail with arguably the hardest trail conditions ever experienced on the PCT will no doubt succeed in whatever they choose to do in the future.

Sandy and I will always stay connected to the trail whether it be hiking, trail maintenance, or angeling. We are planning on finishing the sections Sandy missed this year due to her foot problems next year and hopefully meet you all out there.

Entry 82 of 82
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2011 PCT Hike

The challenges we face are real, they are serious, and they are many.


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