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Chris & Becky "Split & Two Step" Haynam
City: Pleasanton
State: California
Country: USA
Begins: May 1, 2017
Direction: Northbound
Daily Summary
Date: Mon, Apr 24th, 2017
Start: Pleasanton, CA
End: Pleasanton, CA
Daily Distance: 0
Daily Ascent: 0
Daily Descent: 0
Max Elevation: 0
Journal Stats
Entry Visits: 5,241
Journal Visits: 68,791
Guestbook Views: 831
Guestbook Entrys: 57
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A final day on the SF Bay before we leave for New Mexico
Welcome to Split and Two Step's CDT journal!
Welcome to Split and Two Step's CDT journal!
Welcome to our 2017 trail journal! We are Chris and Becky Haynam of Pleasanton, California. Since 2011 we have hiked a national scenic trail or or other wilderness trail every summer. Our list of trails has been: 2011 Southbound on the John Muir Trail, 2012 Southbound on the Appalachian Trail (AT), 2013 Northbound on the Pacific Crest Trail, 2014 Southbound on the John Muir Trail, 2015 Southbound on the Colorado Trail, 2016 Trinity Alps. All but the Trinity Alps journey were thru-hikes, where we started at one end of the trail and backpacked with a continuous string of steps to the other end.
During our 2012 AT hike we picked up the names of Split (Chris) and Two Step (Becky), and henceforth I will use our trail names - as seems fitting for a trail journal. Also on the AT we picked up the habit of journaling our backpacking adventures. You can find them all at
This Continental Divide Trail, henceforth referred to as the CDT, is the longest trail yet, winding for over 3000 miles from the Mexico/ New Mexico border, through the New Mexico desert, into the Colorado Rockies, through Wyoming and Yellowstone National Park, and then through Idaho and Montana to finish at the Canadian border in Glaciar National Park.
The AT, PCT, and CDT make up the Triple Crown of ultra-long backpacking and outdoors trekking, and we have set our sites on completing this jewel of a trail.
We again plan to give a day by day account of our trip, for the benefit of family and friends who are interested, and to provide a lasting memory for Two Step and me. But anyone is invited to share our experiences!
Livin' the dream...
Prepping for the CDT,
Split and Two Step
Split And Two Step's CDT Adventure
The Continental Divide Trail is a national scenic trail that runs from Mexico to Canada via New Mexico, Colorado, Wyoming, Idaho and Montana. This unfinished trail can potentially span up to 3,100 miles. Learn more:
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