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Sageclegg - Pacific Crest Trail Journal - 2009

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Sage Clegg-Haman
City: Bend
State: Oregon
Country: USA
Begins: Jul 1, 2009
Direction: Southbound

Daily Summary
Date: Sun, Jan 24th, 2010
Start: Santa Cruz, CA
End: Same
Daily Distance: 0
Trip Distance: 127.0

Journal Stats
Entry Visits: 1,711
Journal Visits: 8,691
Guestbook Views: 6,130
Guestbook Entrys: 21

Gear list

Pacific Crest Trail Map

Slide show- Revisiting my PCT hike

Hi! It has been a couple months, I am pretty well re-adjusted to the front country, and my knees are doing much better. I have been doing physical therapy like it's going out of style and going on short walks. Last week I went Skiing! Today I went for a RUN!! Wahooooo! Maybe I will be able to hike again next summer.

I just had the opportuinity to give a slide show up at UCSC on my hike last summer. It was fun to re-visit the places and expieriences of the trail, and I was surprised that people were so interested in it- and that somehow I didn't freak out- maybe it has something to do with being in a dark room- takes the pressure off. I hope my slide show inspired a few more hikers to find their feet and hit the trail. The journey never seems to end now that it has begun for me. I can't wait until my CDT cd's get here! How long is it until July?

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Pacific Crest Trail - 2009



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