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Sean "mtnrat" Staplin
City: Fernie
State: British Columbia
Country: Canada
Begins: Apr 29, 2013
Direction: Northbound
Daily Summary
Date: Fri, Mar 8th, 2013
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Clicked on those words. Well this is gettin real. Tickets booked. Flying to El Paso, then Amtrak to Lordsburg. Have been wanting to do this trail for over 40 years. I read an article back when I was a kid. I think it was in National Geographic. It detailed the hike of the continental divide from Mexico to Canada. I have thought about it on and off since then. Then more and more, until in 2010 it became a pretty constant pull in my brain. Well here it is 2013 and the stars have aligned. Not much of a journalee, (not a word, lol), so could be intermittent or I might pullulate a veritable plethora of verbiage. Unpredictable for sure. I live very close to the continental divide in Canada and plan on walking to my door. Sounds cool. Walking from Mexico to my door. lol. "Where ya been?" Mexico. " For 4 months?" I took me a while to walk home. bada bing. Anyway, looking forward to getting started. Gear list and plan to follow... soon???
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