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City: Susanvillle
State: California
Country: USA
Begins: Mar 8, 2014
Direction: Southbound
Daily Summary
Date: Mon, Mar 17th, 2014
Start: ???
End: ????
Daily Distance: 0
Trip Distance: 30.0
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Entry Visits: 1,949
Journal Visits: 4,992
Guestbook Views: 316
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Pacific Crest Trail Map
We did get our trip in from Kennedy Meadows to Agua Dulce. It was an awesome hike and a real shake down to get a working feeling of the trail. Unfortunately we got pretty much blind sided by the weather. Winter conditions are a no go for me. Call me a fair weather hiker and that may be the case. We waited in hotels for a week and all that happened is the weather set in deeper so sadly, we went off trail and will try again when once the weather is a tad bit warmer. That is the crap shoot we took at trying to get through the hot parts in what is still essentially winter. Strike one up for weather and call a foul on us.
BUT 50 miles were glorious and I look forward to many more hundreds of miles. It may be postponed for now but it is not out of the plan. I will just go back to work and earn some more money to do even more than I planned. I'm a massage therapist and am just hoping my clients will have patience as I pursue this endeavor.
We started our trip late in the day, 3:30 and camped around 7. It was fun to be on the trail and take pictures of the 700 mile marker when that is just a pipe dream at this point. 4 different times it is marked which has to do with each persons perception of where 700 miles is and I am sure each person is absolutely sure of their mile marker. I care little. I like putting one foot in front of the other over and over until I am happily exhausted and ready to slap down in the sleeping bag and dream of hiker dreams, food, and water, and vast horizons, bears and butterflies and of course, poodle dog bush of which we found on a burned out section of trail outside of Ridgecrest. Not supposed to be there and it was an unwholesome couple of plants but plants they were and I gave them a wide berth which could have sent me tumbling but tumble I will rather than touch that nasty stuff.
For most of the trail we followed 2 very large sets of foot prints. They finally fondly became known to me as "my boys" and each time I was unsure of the trail or overwhelmed, there my boys foot prints would be and I knew all was well. I kept trying to decide if they were a day or 2 ahead of us or more. Finally in the poodle dog bush section we came upon "my boys" and we yelled and waved to them and they took off like they were shot out of a cannon. I am guessing they had no desire to share the trail with some loud and perhaps stinky mid agish women. Kind of popped my bubble of "my boys" scenario but what they heck it was nice to know we actually caught up with them. I am sure we were 2 to 3 times there age. We rock... Age does not need to be an impediment. I for one am quite cool with it and hey....we caught up to them.
So anyway lots of ups and downs and as they put it on the AT, puds...pointless ups and downs but it tested our merit and we overcame. Hard trudging up but what a boost at the top to look back at mountains 50 miles away that we just recently were trodding upon. The view was satisfying.
Water was more prevalent than we thought it might be. Manter Creek had water which we did not expect and Spanish Needle was sketchy at best which we were also not expecting. We thought Manter would be dry and Spanish Needle substantial. We had to dig a hole for the water to seep back into at S.N. but got plenty, and by the way no bears though it is warned they are seen in that vicinity.
We did a 6 mile, a 15 mile, two 13 mile days and a 6 mile hike out to Walker Pass and got to quick rides with some great people. The hike out was more than enjoyed. It was warm and wonderful and downhill and open, and the smile on my face would simply not go away. The beauty of the world around me, the warmth, the company and the opportunity will always be remembered as my first long hike on the infamous PCT. Yay!!!! Life is good.