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Will - Pacific Crest Trail Journal - 2009

Entry 30 of 30
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City: Berkeley
State: CA
Begins: Jul 6, 2009
Direction: Northbound

Daily Summary
Date: Sat, Aug 22nd, 2009
Start: Olympia
End: Olympia
Daily Distance: 3
Trip Distance: 3.1
Hours Hiked: 0.25
Daily Ascent: 30
Breaks: 0

Journal Stats
Entry Visits: 2,596
Journal Visits: 15,156
Guestbook Views: 1,885
Guestbook Entrys: 31

Pacific Crest Trail Map


After ~650 miles and 47 days on the trail, I have arrived in Olympia. Chris and I were planning to finish up today (Saturday), but due to an inaccurate guide book and a serious twist of fate, we walked across the Bridge of the Gods and into Washington on Friday. We made it to my parent's house on Friday night and have spent the last 24 hours eating, reading, lounging, and eating some more. It's only been a day and I've already had a burger, a milkshake, a couple beers, sausage, huckleberry pancakes, crab cakes, pork and salmon jerky, cherries, 1.5 steaks, german potato salad which I've been craving for months, and both blackberry and lemon meringue pies. Yeah, it's been a good day.

I'll be typing up and posting my journal entries over the coming days, starting where I left off in mid July. For now, I simply want to thank everyone who helped make this little jaunt possible, particularly Carolyn Eddy and Alice, all the impromptu trail angels along the way, my parents, Kim, Carlos, and anyone else I've neglected to mention. Extra thanks to my brother Tom, and of course the most thanks to Chris, who was with me virtually every step of the way. Thanks.

More to come,


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