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City: Gatesville
State: Texas
Country: USA
Begins: Jun 22, 2017
Direction: Northbound
Daily Summary
Date: Fri, Sep 25th, 2015
Trip Distance: 5.0
Journal Stats
Entry Visits: 2,516
Journal Visits: 5,086
Guestbook Views: 172
Guestbook Entrys: 1
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The Crazy One
Journal Entry
Had to change my CDT Class of 2016 hiking schedule to CDT Class of 2017 due to some shoulder surgery last Feb. Having rotator cuff surgery is a real treat. It takes almost a full year to completely heal up and get the range of motion/strength back. During that period of time, having shoulder straps bearing down on you while being married to a backpack is a whole new adventure in pain. Needless to say, the trip was put off until this coming summer. Training has begun with the daily walks and each walk is getting a little longer with more weight being added to the backpack each week. Shoulder still feels a little sore after a good workout, but it is to be expected. See you boys and girls on the trail!
The Adventures Of Little Monkey
The Continental Divide Trail is a national scenic trail that runs from Mexico to Canada via New Mexico, Colorado, Wyoming, Idaho and Montana. This unfinished trail can potentially span up to 3,100 miles. Learn more:
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